Spycies hdhub4u

Spycies hdhub4u in 2025 2020-01-11

Animation, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Family

BUDGET - $ 3,000,000

Spycies hdhub4u

The movie Spycies falls under the Animation, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Family genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Guillaume IvernelZhiyi Zhang, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.

The movie Spycies is being produce with the collaboration of the studio iQIYI Pictures, Lux Populi Production, Particular Crowd, Lux Populi VFX,

Spycies was released on 2020-01-11 and the total runtime of the movie is going to be 96 minutes and the status of the movie is Released.

The movie Spycies was released on 2020-01-11, and has a total runtime of 96 minutes. The movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Animation, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Family, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Guillaume IvernelZhiyi Zhang, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Spycies movie can be watched at Amazon Prime Video.

Spycies overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name Spycies
Offical Language English French Dutch
Release Date 2020-01-11
Release Status Released
OTT Platform Amazon Prime Video
OTT Release Date No information available about the OTT Release date.
Hit or Flop Hit
Director Guillaume IvernelZhiyi Zhang
Writer Zhiyi Zhang, Stéphane Carraz, Michel Pagès,
Budget $ 3,000,000
Collection / Revenue $ 10,000,000
Country China France
Production Companyies iQIYI Pictures, Lux Populi Production, Particular Crowd, Lux Populi VFX,
Spycies Movie Genre Animation, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Family

Spycies Story or Plot

Vladimir and Hector, two secret agents with opposing personalities and methods, are forced to work together to recover a top-secret material that has been stolen by unknown intruders. As they navigate through a web of deception and danger, their clashing styles create constant tension, but their shared mission pushes them to set aside their differences. With time running out, they must combine their skills to track down the thieves and prevent a global crisis.

Spycies Screenshots and Images


Spycies Rating

Spycies movie with the cast that has , Monsieur Poulpe, Karen Strassman, Davy Mourier, Guangtao Jiang, Zhengyang Ma as the leads actors and it was directed by Guillaume IvernelZhiyi Zhang and produce by it has a rating of 7.4 / 10 with total votes count to 203 and it is a Hit movie.

Spycies Review

Spycies was co - produce by the studio iQIYI Pictures, Lux Populi Production, Particular Crowd, Lux Populi VFX, and produce by , with a budget of $ 3,000,000 and a total collection of $ 10,000,000 and it is a Hit movie.

Spycies Budget

Spycies has a budget of $ 3,000,000 and a total collection of $ 10,000,000 and it was co - produce by the studio iQIYI Pictures, Lux Populi Production, Particular Crowd, Lux Populi VFX,

hdhub4u2025.in conclusion, Spycies is a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through the genre of Animation, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Family, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline directed by Guillaume IvernelZhiyi Zhang, strong performances by , Monsieur Poulpe, Karen Strassman, Davy Mourier, Guangtao Jiang, Zhengyang Ma, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films.


Who is the director of the Spycies movie?

Spycies was directrd by Guillaume IvernelZhiyi Zhang.

Who is the producer of the Spycies movie?

Spycies was directrd by .

What is the genre of the Spycies movie?

Spycies falls into the genre of Animation, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Family ."

What is the release date of the Spycies movie?

Spycies was released on 2020-01-11.

What is the running time or duration of the Spycies movie?

Spycies has a running time of 96 minutes.

Who wrote Spycies movie?

Spycies is written by Zhiyi Zhang, Stéphane Carraz, Michel Pagès,

What is the budget of the Spycies movie?

Spycies is made with the budget of $ 3,000,000.

Spycies Hit or Flop?

Spycies was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 10,000,000.

Where to watch the Spycies movie?

Spycies movie can be watched on Amazon Prime Video.