The Remarkable Life of Ibelin hdhub4u

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin hdhub4u in 2025 2024-10-25

Documentary, Animation

BUDGET - $ 3,654,656

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin hdhub4u

The movie The Remarkable Life of Ibelin falls under the Documentary, Animation genres, offering an engaging mix of intense sequences, emotional depth, and suspenseful moments. Directed by Benjamin Ree, the film captivates audiences with its gripping storyline and powerful performances. The director's vision brings a unique perspective to the narrative, enhancing the tension and excitement throughout.

The movie The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is being produce with the collaboration of the studio Medieoperatørene, VGTV,

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was released on 2024-10-25 and the total runtime of the movie is going to be 103 minutes and the status of the movie is Released.

The movie The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was released on 2024-10-25, and has a total runtime of 103 minutes. The movie is currently listed as Released. It combines elements of Documentary, Animation, providing an exciting and intense cinematic experience. Directed by Benjamin Ree, the film showcases a compelling narrative, with moments of suspense, drama, and action that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie can be watched at Netflix.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin overview and crew info

Title Description
Movie Name The Remarkable Life of Ibelin
Offical Language Danish English Norwegian
Release Date 2024-10-25
Release Status Released
OTT Platform Netflix
OTT Release Date 25-10-2024
Hit or Flop Hit
Director Benjamin Ree
Producer Ingvil Giske,
Writer Mats Steen,
Budget $ 3,654,656
Collection / Revenue $ 4,564,664
Country Norway
Production Companyies Medieoperatørene, VGTV,
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Movie Genre Documentary, Animation

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Story or Plot

The documentary *The Remarkable Life of Ibelin* delves into the life of Mats Steen, a Norwegian man who had Duchenne muscular dystrophy and passed away at 25. Before his death, Mats was a passionate World of Warcraft player, where he created an online persona named Ibelin Redmoore and formed deep friendships in the game. His parents, unaware of his extensive online life, were shocked to learn of his vibrant digital community only after his passing. The documentary, which includes animated recreations of Mats’ in-game experiences, explores how online gaming provided him with connections, community, and a sense of purpose that he didn\'t experience in his offline life. The film reveals how Mats\' online world offered him an escape and a fulfilling social life despite his physical limitations.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Screenshots and Images

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Rating

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie with the cast that has , Mats Steen, Kelsey Ellison, Zoe Croft, Paul Wild, Elena Pitsiaeli as the leads actors and it was directed by Benjamin Ree and produce by Ingvil Giske, it has a rating of 8.274 / 10 with total votes count to 53 and it is a Hit movie.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Review

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was co - produce by the studio Medieoperatørene, VGTV, and produce by Ingvil Giske, , with a budget of $ 3,654,656 and a total collection of $ 4,564,664 and it is a Hit movie.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Budget

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin has a budget of $ 3,654,656 and a total collection of $ 4,564,664 and it was co - produce by the studio Medieoperatørene, VGTV, conclusion, The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is a captivating film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through the genre of Documentary, Animation, and the unexpected twists that shape human relationships. With its engaging storyline directed by Benjamin Ree, strong performances by , Mats Steen, Kelsey Ellison, Zoe Croft, Paul Wild, Elena Pitsiaeli, and impressive production, this movie is a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking films.


Who is the director of the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was directrd by Benjamin Ree.

Who is the producer of the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was directrd by Ingvil Giske, .

What is the genre of the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin falls into the genre of Documentary, Animation ."

What is the release date of the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was released on 2024-10-25.

What is the running time or duration of the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin has a running time of 103 minutes.

Who wrote The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is written by Mats Steen,

What is the budget of the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is made with the budget of $ 3,654,656.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Hit or Flop?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin was a Hit with a collection / revenue of $ 4,564,664.

Where to watch the The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie?

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin movie can be watched on Netflix.